Univ. of Maryland Education Listserv
This is the University of Maryland Department of Emergency Medicine Education Mailing List. Subscribing to this listserve will get you a daily pearl written by the University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty. A single pearl is sent out daily with Sunday's topics being Cardiology or Geriatric topics, Monday being Vascular or Endocrine, Tuesday Critical Care, Wednesday Neurology, Thursday Toxicology, Friday Pediatrics, and Saturday - Miscellanous but mostly Orthopaedic and Trauma related.
The list will also occasionally receive announcements on other education offerings made available through the University of Maryland.
We will never sell, share or spam your email address. We too get too much email and would never want to wish more on anybody else.
Anybody is allowed to subscribe and we encourage you to have coworkers and other professionals join this list. They can join the list by coming to this page.
Although anyone can subscribe to this list, the list does not accept submissions for posting. Only approved authors may submit content. You may browse content at the website: Website Pearls
If you would like to unsubscribe from this list, send an email to
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You have to sign in to visit the archives of this list.
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You can also subscribe without creating an account. If you wish to do so, please use the form below.